Hosted by Sebastian Bates, founder of the Warrior Academy, this episode provides a glimpse into the book “Not a Victim,” aimed at assisting parents in mentoring their children through the challenging experience of bullying. The focus is on a specific chapter dealing with cyberbullying.

Topics Discussed:

1 Overview: – Definition and forms of cyberbullying. – Importance of proactive parenting in preparing children for cyberbullying challenges.

2 Interview with Barry Lee Cummings: – Barry Lee Cummings, a leading cyber safety expert, sheds light on cyberbullying. – Definition: The use of technology to harass, hurt, embarrass, or intimidate repeatedly and unintentionally. – Alarming Statistics: Over 50% of tweens and teenagers consider cyberbullying a normal part of growing up. – Call to Action: Rejecting the normalization of cyberbullying and advocating for education and awareness in digital self-defense.

3 Understanding Cyberbullying: – Rapid Rise: The shift to online platforms makes cyberbullying a global issue. – Anonymity: The ability to hide behind screens contributes to the growth of cyberbullying. – Challenges for Parents: Difficulty in detecting and addressing online bullying due to lack of supervision and global reach.

Sebastian Bates wraps up the episode by emphasizing the importance of understanding the three C’s – Confidence, Conduct, and Concentration. He invites parents to participate in the Breakthrough Area Assessment, a tool to gain insights into their child’s levels of competence, concentration, and conduct. To access the assessment and receive a personalized PDF report, visit

Subscribe to the Warrior Academy podcast for regular insights on child development. Follow on Spotify, Audible, or check Amazon for the audiobook or physical copy of “Not a Victim” for comprehensive guidance on mentoring children through bullying.

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How confident is your child?

If you’d like to learn how to develop your child’s confidence, conduct and concentration, you NEED to take the breakthrough area assessment! It will give you unique insights into your child’s 3Cs, click the link to access: