This term we have had 4 students with injuries, which have occurred outside of their Martial Arts training (not in class!). Gymnastics, football, rugby, dancing, climbing trees and other general ‘being-a-warrior-outdoor-stuff’; resulting in broken arms, ankles and wrists.
Whenever a physical accident occurs concerned parents armed with Doctors advice advocating zero physical activity pull their child out of their Martial Arts training. It’s logical on the surface, Martial Arts with a broken ankle? Impossible!
Getting an injury is tough… but for an active young person it can be pretty traumatic. Pulling a student out of their community, out of their activities and forcing a sedentary lifestyle can be overwhelming.
The right mentoring
Your instructors are qualified to mentor injured Young Warriors. Sitting in your comfort zone doesn’t promote growth and personal development, while leaving the comfort zone increases the chance of an injury. Over the years the instructors here have become pro’s at collecting various injuries, from training for big competitions to going on big adventures… the black belt lifestyle carries with it risk of injury.
We have all come to the same understanding…

You can always train.

We ask student’s to come to training with their injuries. We talk closely with parents to discover exactly what injury has occurred and we build up a recovery program for the student (normally 6-12 weeks).
Broken arm? How’s your foot position on your side-kick?
Broken ankle? How’s your upward elbow technique?
The practical application of the statement we have coined:
“Martial Arts is about much more than kicking and punching”. 

Even students who can’t walk are given lots to do. As part of our mentoring process students come to our classes with a notepad and pen and are given a different form of training. Each class the injured warrior is given goals and tasks that help develop their understanding of Martial Arts, while keeping them in their close community.
An amazing story comes from one of our students who broke her ankle but carried on coming to class and learning. With our mentoring program she was out of her cast 6 weeks later in time for her grading; which she smashed with flying colours.
The positivity of keeping active, limiting the disturbance to lifestyle and remaining in our community speeds up the recovery process.
Kids will be kids … and accidents happen…

The opportunity within the accident is the life long lesson that even with an injury students can learn and grow. It’s transferable to every part of life.

We are here to help and we are proud of the progress our injured Warriors make every week – See you in class, bring your Doctors note and a Warrior mindset.