This week in our Martial Arts classes in Wiltshire and Somerset:

Our advanced syllabus guides students to develop their creativity as Martial Artists. Students have been making up their own combinations with elements of realism to ensure they understand how a combination is made and what is required. We’ve been very impressed with the technique displayed in our Martial Arts classes this week. Students have been working very hard in their line work and it’s paying off, just a few weeks before the grading. 

To keep classes fun despite all the particularly tough technical training, we have been training outside in the sun wherever possible. Our exciting new traditional weapons course Kali course which adds a new element to our martial arts program is brilliant for the students. 

We used the breaking boards in all of our classes across Wiltshire and Somerset this week to develop focus and power. Our advanced students have developed their board breaking technique using jumping knees and spinning reverse elbows.

This week we’ve been covering some realistic self defence including defence from shirt grabs, chokes and wrist grabs. Our freestyle syllabus has a very unique self defence program that is far from the traditional Tae Kwon Do defence system. 

Classes have been finished with a nice game of Dodge ball, we’ve found it’s a great way to encourage healthy competition and also to improve students reaction times hugely!

Some VERY exciting events coming up!

 Letters will be going out this and next week – Deadline to book is very soon so please do email with your information.

May Holiday Camp – Ninja Weapons Training

A very exciting holiday camp in two locations, building skills in Bo Staff, Kali Sticks and Nunchucks! Juniors and Seniors split based on age/experience. A great chance to make friends with other Martial Arts students in an action packed day!

Freshford – Tuesday 31st May 09:30 – 15:30

Figheldean Village Hall – Friday 3rd June 09:30 – 15:30 

Discount ends 20th May

Advanced Training Seminar (Red Belts Only)

A unique opportunity for Red Belts and Black Tags to prepare for their advanced gradings. Learn new skills and have plenty of one on one time with instructors for the whole day.

Freshford – Thursday 2nd June 10:00 – 14:30

Discount ends 20th May

South West Championships 2016 

Our annual competition, a medal of every child and a huge boost in confidence and experience for students!

Trowbridge Sports Centre, Clarendon School 

Sunday – 10th July 10:00-16:00

Deadline to book 10th June

Next week we will be talking about each event in a little more detail.

TRY OUR SEARCH FUNCTION FOR CLUBS IN YOUR AREA NOW… – Martial Arts classes in Wiltshire and Somerset